
branch of Notz Metal Inc.
Bernstrasse 24

CH–2555 Bruegg

T +41 32 344 70 00
F +41 32 344 70 01

Your contact

Ihre Kontaktperson: Stephanie Schliffski

Stephanie Schliffski

Co-Head Industry Brügg | Director Commercial

+41 32 366 73 70

Ihre Kontaktperson: Harald Hild

Harald Hild

Key Account Manager

+49 176 55 76 28 91

Ihre Kontaktperson: Tyvalt Torres

Tyvalt Torres

Key Account Manager

+41 79 749 91 34

Ihre Kontaktperson: Deniz Kartal

Deniz Kartal

Regional Sales Manager Turkey | Pricing/AVOR

+41 32 366 75 24

Ihre Kontaktperson: Naomi Quaglia

Naomi Quaglia

Customer Service

+41 32 344 70 00

Ihre Kontaktperson: Corinne Brotschi

Corinne Brotschi

Customer Service

+41 32 344 70 00

Ihre Kontaktperson: Michele  De Palo

Michele De Palo

Co-Head Industry Brügg | Director Operations

+41 32 344 70 00


Pick-up times

Monday until Thursday

08.00am – 11.45am and

01.00pm – 04.45pm


08.00am – 11.45am and

01.00pm – 03.45pm


How to find Studer-Biennaform